How Volunteerism Helps Employee Mental Health and Well-being

Joel Pollick
Founder & CEO
August 24, 2024

In recent years, the link between volunteerism and mental health has gained significant attention. As companies increasingly recognize the importance of employee well-being, many are turning to volunteerism as a key component of their mental health strategies. The benefits of volunteerism go beyond community engagement—it has a profound impact on employee mental health, particularly in the evolving remote work environment.

According to a McKinsey report, volunteerism is one of the "modifiable drivers of health" that can lead to better mental and physical well-being. Employees who engage in volunteer activities experience fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress-induced pain compared to those who do not volunteer. This makes volunteerism an invaluable tool in fostering a supportive and resilient workplace.

For companies looking to integrate volunteerism into their mental health strategy, offering Global Volunteer Events and virtual Community Volunteer Events through Percent Pledge can provide employees with meaningful opportunities to engage and connect, no matter where they are.

How volunteerism enhances mental health

Understanding the specific ways in which volunteerism supports mental health is crucial for employers looking to integrate these initiatives into their CSR strategies.

Providing a sense of purpose

  • Impact: Volunteerism allows employees to engage in meaningful activities that align with their personal values. This sense of purpose is a powerful antidote to feelings of disconnection and burnout, which are increasingly common in today’s work environment.
  • Benefit: When employees feel that their work and volunteer efforts contribute to the greater good, it boosts their overall sense of well-being and job satisfaction.

To ensure these opportunities align with what matters most to your team, consider using our Passion Assessment, which customizes volunteer events to match employee interests and passions.

Fostering social connections

  • Impact: Volunteering often involves collaboration and teamwork, fostering social connections among employees. These connections are essential for combating the isolation that can accompany remote work.
  • Benefit: McKinsey’s research indicates that there is a strong correlation between health and engagement in altruistic activities like volunteering. Strong social ties at work are linked to better mental health outcomes, including reduced stress and increased resilience.

Offering a break from stress

  • Impact: Engaging in volunteer activities provides a mental break from the pressures of work, allowing employees to recharge and return to their tasks with renewed energy.
  • Benefit: Volunteerism, as noted in the McKinsey report, is linked to improved physical and mental health. Regular participation in volunteerism can reduce stress levels, prevent burnout, and improve overall mental health.

To provide a variety of options, our virtual Community Volunteer Events offer remote-friendly opportunities that make it easy for all employees to participate and experience these benefits.

download our step-by-step guide to launching your VTO program

Integrating volunteerism into mental health strategies

To maximize the mental health benefits of volunteerism, employers need to thoughtfully integrate these activities into their broader mental health strategies.

Aligning volunteer opportunities with employee interests

  • Solution: Percent Pledge allows businesses to offer a diverse range of volunteer opportunities that align with employees’ interests and passions. By giving employees the freedom to choose causes they care about, companies can ensure higher engagement and more meaningful participation.
  • Impact: When employees engage in volunteer work that resonates with them personally, the mental health benefits are amplified.

Explore how our Passion Assessment can help customize these opportunities to what your employees are most passionate about, further enhancing their well-being.

Promoting volunteerism as a mental health resource

  • Solution: Employers should actively promote volunteerism as a resource for mental health, integrating it into wellness programs and encouraging employees to take advantage of volunteer time off (VTO).
  • Impact: Positioning volunteerism as a core component of mental health support helps normalize it as a tool for well-being, increasing participation and impact.

Facilitating remote and virtual volunteer opportunities

  • Solution: With the rise of remote work, offering virtual volunteering options is crucial. Percent Pledge’s platform includes a variety of remote-friendly volunteer opportunities that employees can participate in from anywhere.
  • Impact: Virtual volunteerism ensures that all employees, regardless of location, can benefit from the mental health advantages of giving back.

Impact of volunteerism on employee well-being

Volunteerism is a powerful way to enhance employee mental health and well-being. Companies that integrate volunteer opportunities into their wellness strategies see meaningful improvements in employee engagement and morale. 

To illustrate the benefits of volunteerism on mental health, let’s explore some real-world testimonials from employee volunteers from a sample of customers that highlight the positive effects of volunteerism. 

For more stories, visit our testimonials page.

  • “Personally, the day of volunteer event was one of my favorite days at AuditBoard. It was amazing and met with resoundingly positive feedback from leadership. Employees shared the event was a wholesome experience that validated their decision to join AuditBoard.” - Employee Volunteer, AuditBoard
  • “Great event - was fun and everyone embraced the opportunity to support a good cause as a team. Feels like we should be doing things like that more often 1) as a team bonding event but also 2) to give back to such a good charity” - Employee Volunteer, Armis
  • “I was skeptical at first that the volunteer event would feel meaningful but mapping truly is an activity that just needs people willing to try! It's easy enough for anyone to do, and it will make a big impact” - Employee Volunteer, Betterment
  • “Indeed when you give more the happier you feel. After working with WeNeedBooks we were given a tour of the neighborhood, which made all our effort resonate even much more. I truly felt a great sense of accomplishment and identity.” - Employee Volunteer,
  • “I loved every moment of being able to be in the PRIDE event. Seeing all the people there to support human rights and feeling the love and energy from the crowd was so beautiful.” - Employee Volunteer, Dexcom
  • “We created Black History Month educational materials. This experience was filled with so much learning, community, and joy. Truly so fulfilling to be able to meaningfully give back and contribute to such an important topic for such an amazing organization! It was so amazing to also learn more about Black History!” - Employee Volunteer, Yello
download our step-by-step guide to launching your VTO program

Percent Pledge difference: supporting mental health through volunteerism

Percent Pledge is committed to helping employers leverage volunteerism as a powerful tool for enhancing employee mental health. Our platform provides the resources, flexibility, and support needed to integrate volunteerism into your mental health strategy effectively.

Leverage volunteerism for better employee well-being

As the connection between volunteerism and mental health becomes more evident, companies have a unique opportunity to enhance employee well-being through purpose-driven CSR initiatives. By integrating volunteerism into your mental health strategy, you can foster a supportive work environment that not only benefits your employees but also strengthens your company culture.

Ready to enhance your mental health strategy with volunteerism? Schedule time today to learn how Percent Pledge can help you make a positive impact on your employees’ well-being.

download our step-by-step guide to launching your VTO program

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Percent Pledge is different, by design:

  • Engage more employees: Get 50-75% of your team giving globally.
  • No fees on donations: Unlike others, $0 of your donations goes to us.
  • Launch instantly: Our platform is fast to set up and easy to use.
  • Expert support: Partnership from a dedicated Social Impact Manager.
  • Volunteer event planning services: In-person or virtual events.