Global CSR Success: How OpenX Achieved 81% Employee Engagement

Technology, Information and Internet
Used offerings
  • Giving Platform
  • Volunteering Platform
  • Volunteer Events
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OpenX is an independent omni-channel supply-side platform and a global leader in supply-side curation, transparency, and sustainability. With sustainability a core part of its mission, OpenX was the first company in the advertising, media, or technology industry to achieve their Net-Zero standard requirements under SBTi.

Before the pandemic, the OpenX Cares program operated as an initiative focused on localized volunteer efforts. However, the pandemic temporarily put these activities on hold. Post-pandemic, Melanie Tymn, Culture Program Manager, conducted extensive focus groups and employee engagement surveys to understand the desires of the workforce. 

The results from our surveys were clear—people really wanted to get back to volunteering and giving, especially after being remote for so long.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

Based on this feedback, OpenX relaunched its OpenX Cares program and sought a CSR platform that could engage employees globally, streamline their efforts, and simplify the planning and management of events and campaigns.

Challenges faced by OpenX

As OpenX looked to enhance their OpenX Cares program and CSR efforts, it encountered challenges that needed to be addressed to make a meaningful impact.

Managing global CSR engagement

With employees spread across multiple countries, OpenX needed a solution that could engage everyone, despite the various legal and cultural differences across regions. Managing these initiatives globally without a centralized platform was a significant challenge.

We have offices around the world, and we needed streamlined assistance in engaging the entire workforce across different countries. Even though we are in different time zones, we had a strong desire to bring everybody together where we could be a united force for good.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

Planning and executing CSR events and giving campaigns

Planning global CSR events and running coordinated giving campaigns was difficult without a unified platform. This made it hard to organize events that could engage the entire workforce and limited the overall impact of their efforts.

As the primary person managing the OpenX Cares program, coordinating global events was overwhelming without a platform, especially since I don’t have the array of connections to charities that Percent Pledge has.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

Solutions: driving global employee engagement exceeding CSR goals

OpenX’s journey with Percent Pledge began with a thorough review of various platforms. The company ultimately chose Percent Pledge for its robust features, seamless user experience, and strong customer reviews. 

Global engagement with local champions

One of OpenX’s biggest challenges was engaging their global workforce, spread across multiple countries. Percent Pledge addressed this by helping OpenX appoint local champions who played a critical role in driving participation in their regions.

A notable success story was the full-service volunteer event organized for OpenX’s Poland office. Despite the geographical distance from Melanie, the Percent Pledge planned-event was a major success, thanks to the leadership of the local champion. Employees were highly engaged and gave positive feedback, eager for more opportunities to participate.

Our local champions know the employees in those offices and know how to engage with them in relevant ways.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

Percent Pledge’s platform has proven to be a powerful tool in unifying OpenX’s global workforce. Even when employees cannot participate in a volunteer event due to time zone differences, they can still contribute through the platform’s giving campaigns. This flexibility has allowed OpenX to achieve an impressive 81% engagement rate, far surpassing their initial goal of 50%.

This year, we've seen an amazing increase in engagement, the platform allows employees to give back to any cause, and they make an impact in the way they want—volunteering or donating—all in one platform.

For companies facing similar global connection challenges, this platform really helps bring employees together and represent your company positively in communities worldwide.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

The result is not only a more connected workforce but one that is actively contributing to positive change in their communities.

Innovative features driving engagement

When OpenX initially chose Percent Pledge, it was drawn to the platform’s strong foundation and user-friendly design.

The platform is well built and easy to follow, making it simple for employees to use. The zero donation fees was also a huge factor, ensuring all donations go directly to the nonprofits.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

Percent Pledge has continued to rapidly develop new features that have significantly enhanced OpenX’s ability to engage employees and drive meaningful impact. 

After onboarding, Percent Pledge has launched multiple new features, which is a big reason we've been so successful in engaging employees at OpenX.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

The Community Volunteer Events have been particularly successful, aligning with OpenX’s global goals and making it easier for employees to participate in impactful activities. 

Additionally, the Grow Your Impact feature has allowed OpenX to integrate their sustainability focus seamlessly into their CSR efforts.

Impact: 81% employee engagement

The collaboration between OpenX and Percent Pledge has led to remarkable outcomes, significantly boosting employee engagement and enhancing the effectiveness of their CSR initiatives.

OpenX initially set a goal of 50% employee engagement, and with Percent Pledge's support, it surpassed expectations, reaching an impressive 81%. 

We're incredibly proud of our employees’ engagement in OpenX Cares via Percent Pledge. We want to continue that momentum and build on the successes we’ve already experienced.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

The platform has been instrumental in unifying OpenX's global team and making CSR activities more accessible and straightforward for employees, no matter where they are.

OpenX’s sustainability efforts have also been amplified through the use of Percent Pledge, particularly with features like Grow Your Impact that align with their corporate values and goals.

With Percent Pledge, we’re not just meeting our CSR goals; we’re also thrilled to see sustainability initiatives within the platform.
Melanie, Culture Program Manager

The results speak for themselves: high global engagement rates at 81% and successful volunteer events and campaigns.

Want to achieve 81% participation in your social impact program? Easily increase engagement with our unique features and approach to CSR – book a demo with us.







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Percent Pledge is different, by design:

  • Engage more employees: Get 50-75% of your team giving globally.
  • No fees on donations: Unlike others, $0 of your donations goes to us.
  • Launch instantly: Our platform is fast to set up and easy to use.
  • Expert support: Partnership from a dedicated Social Impact Manager.
  • Volunteer event planning services: In-person or virtual events.

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